Thursday, November 18, 2021

The Evennia blog has moved to!

This dev blog has moved! All past and future posts will now be found here instead on The linked post discusses the move in more detail, including the little custom blog platform I wrote for it.

The new blog has a new RSS feed address, so if you follow this blog via RSS, update your feed link (all old entries were migrated as well).

The old posts here on blogspot/bloggly will remain but won't be updated anymore.



Sunday, March 21, 2021

Where do I begin? (repost)

This is a repost of an article I originally wrote for the Imaginary Realities e-zine, Volume 7, issue 3 back in 2015. It's not Evennia-specific but meant for a wider audience interested in making a text-based multiplayer game (MUD/MU*). Since IR is no longer active, I repost it here with only some minor cleanup.

Where do I begin?

by Griatch 

(image from

yellow_world_by_griatch_art-d7a6e5n.jpgWhen a new user has everything installed and drops into Evennia’s IRC support chat or mailing list, there is one question that we regularly get in various variations:

“Where do I begin?”

How to actually start down that long road towards your own game is an important question. Unfortunately it has no one-size-fits-all answer. So it usually leads to a series of counter-questions. In this article I will try to (without being Evennia-specific) pose those questions in a way that would not fit in a chat window. 

What is your motivation for doing this?

So you want to make a game. First you need to make a few things clear to yourself.

Making a multiplayer online game is a big undertaking. You will (if you are like most of us) be doing it as a hobby, without getting paid. And you’ll be doing it for a long time.

So the very first thing you should ask yourself (and your team, if you have any) is why am I doing this? Do some soul-searching here. Here are some possible answers: 

  • I want to earn recognition and fame from my online community and/or among my friends.
  • I want to build the game so I can play and enjoy it myself.
  • I want to build the same game I already play but without the bad people.
  • I want to create a game so that I can control it and be the head honcho.
  • A friend or online acquaintance talked me into working on it.
  • I work on this because I’m paid to (wow!)
  • I only build this for my own benefit or to see if I can pull it off.
  • I want to create something to give back to the community I love.
  • I want to use this project as a stepping-stone towards other projects (like a career in game design or programming).
  • I am interested in coding or server and network architectures, making a MUD just seems to be a good way to teach myself. 
  • I want to build a commercial game and earn money.
  • I want to fulfill a life-long dream of game making.

There are many other possibilities. How “solid” your answer is for a long-term development project is up to you. The important point is that you ask yourself the question.

Answering this question you may find that you should not start a new project - maybe it’s better to build on or help improve something that already exists. Maybe you find you are more of a game engine developer than a game designer. Some answers may also suggest that you are driven by emotions of revenge or disconcert - emotions that may have abated later when the project most needs your enthusiasm and motivation.

If your aim is to earn money your design goals may well be very different from those of a person who only builds for their own benefit.

Whichever your motivation, you should at least have it clear in your own mind. It’s worth to make sure your eventual team is on the same page too.

What are your skills?


Once you have your motivations straight you need to take stock of your own skills and the skills available in your team, if you have one.

Your game will have two principal components and you will need skills to cater for both:

  • The game engine (“the code base”)
  • The assets created for using the game engine (“the game world”)

The game engine


The game engine is maintained and modified by programmers (coders). It represents the infrastructure that runs the game - the network code, the protocol support, the handling of commands, scripting and data storage.

Creating your game engine from scratch can be a worthwhile and rewarding endeavour. It is however not a small one and if your main goal is to create a running game I would recommend building on an existing engine. It’s worth to take your time and do your research here. Searching the net and various MUD sites will bring you a slew of options. I will give some things to look for here.

Whereas some engines/code bases offer a lot of pre-existing coded systems, there is no denying that your team will always need someone who either already knows some basic programming or is willing to learn it.

When judging which engine you want to use, consider:

  • The engine’s community - hang out in the community/forums/chat surrounding the respective engine. Expect to need to ask a lot of “stupid” questions as you start developing (hint: no question is stupid). Is this a community in which you would feel comfortable doing so?
  • Active development - is the code base actively maintained? If there are bugs in the engine, does it seem likely they will be fixed upstream or will you be patching bugs yourself? Or alternatively, are there many active users that can help you out with known quirks?
  • Other available documentation - does the engine come with a manual? Are there online tutorials or other help resources to read?
  • Which language is the engine coded in? What is it scripted in? Do you or your team already know this language or are you willing to learn it? 
  • If you don’t know the language, do a few beginner tutorial so that you can at least vaguely recognize the syntax. Does the engine’s code seem easy to read and well documented? If the engine is poorly documented, the time of development may rise dramatically. 
  • Something to remember here is that computers of today are very powerful. And while scaling may be interesting if your game really takes off, a text game is, for the most part, not very demanding. So I’d recommend you pick your language and engine not primarily based on performance but on what you feel comfortable and productive working with. 
  • What is the engine’s license? This is mainly important if you plan to ever earn money with your game. Some common engines explicitly forbid commercial use.

Asset creation


Compared to the level of work needed to produce professional graphics for an MMORPG, detailed text assets for a mud are cheap to create. This is one of the many reasons muds are so well suited for a small team.

This is not to say that making “professional” text content is easy though. Knowing how to write imaginative and grammatically correct prose is only the minimal starting requirement. A good asset-creator (traditionally called a “builder”) must also be able to utilize the tools of the game engine to its fullest in order to script events, make quests, triggers and interactive, interesting environments.

Some game engines will offer generic online building tools while others will depend on the coders to create tools specific for their game. What you go for may be influenced by just how technically savvy your builders are and what skills they are willing to pick up along the way.

Your team’s in-house builders will be the first ones to actually “use” your game framework and build tools. They will stumble on all the bugs. This means that you need people who are just not “artsy” or “good with words”. Assuming coders and builders are not the same people, builders need to be able to collaborate well and give clear and concise feedback.


So, where do I begin?

Right, after all this soul-searching and skill-inventory-checking, let’s go back to the original question. And maybe you’ll find that you have a better feeling for the answer yourself already:

  • If you are learning a new programming language, you should follow basic tutorials so that you can read, understand and replicate example code without being completely in the dark.
  • If you have decided on your game engine you should dive into its manual and basic tutorials. Also make sure to introduce yourself to its community so you can get as much help as possible. 
  • If the game engine offers tutorials on making some small example game, do that carefully. Even if the resulting demo game has nothing to do with what you aim to build. If there are no tutorials maybe you can instead find a full example code that you can examine in the same way. Not only will this give you a better understanding of how parts of the engine hangs together, it will also give you ideas for what you can do with it. If something is surprisingly easy to do, you might even be able to expand your plans! 
  • If your game engine comes with pre-made game tools or building commands, the builders can start getting familiar with it. But keep in mind that these will not reflect the full capabilities of the game - your game is not yet built! So don’t set builders off to build large zone projects at this point. If they are building anything at all, it should be small test areas in order to agree on a homogenous form, mood and literary style.

With a few tutorials and game examples under your belt you are ready to start some preliminary coding-tests of your own. You won’t be making a full game yet! Working without a step-by-step tutorial will give you an idea of just how easy or hard this stuff is to figure out in practice at your current skill level, chosen game engine and language. Make ample use of any manuals, help channels or other resources you can find - anything you will also have access to when you code the real thing. This allows you to judge the quality and usefulness of those resources at the same time. 

You or any builders may also get some building exercise here, using the commands and objects you create for simple testing. Here is a list of things to try out (you should be able to do these in any game engine worth its salt):
  • Change some phrasing in the output of an already existing command.
  • Make a new command and add it to the game engine. Make it just echo back whatever argument you give it. 
  • Code an object that echoes “tick” to everyone at its location every 20 seconds.
  • Make a new command that creates new ticking objects where you are, but with a name given by you. 
  • Make a room whose description changes every time you enter it.
  • Make an object that deletes itself when its “health” property is changed to zero. 
  • Make an “attack” command that randomly reduces the “health” property of a target object until it deletes itself.
  • These are all simple things but it should give you an idea of what your chosen game engine is capable of and, most importantly, where to find help when you get stuck. If you can’t get past this step even with help you might need to go back and read up on the programming bit some more. Or maybe you should consider an easier game engine.

What is your scope?

We are now past the “things to do first”. Welcome to the things you do later.

To reiterate, at this point you should have pondered why you are doing this and made an inventory of your available skills. You have gotten a first taste of the kind of coding work you will need to do and what that entails. You have built a few things to see how that works. Maybe you even changed game engine somewhere in the middle. Still ready to roll? Excellent.

You should now hopefully have enough information to be able to realistically set the scope of your game.

Everyone wants to make the best game ever. You want a whole world simulated in minute detail with next-generation artificial intelligence. You want instant action that puts Hollywood to shame and emergent storytelling worthy of Shakespeare.

It’s okay to dream big, but your first goal now is to get something out. Something that players can actually connect to and give feedback on. Having players enjoying an early version of your game is a great motivational boost in itself, you should try to reach that stage quickly. You are aiming for a first version, not the ultimate version. All online mmo:s keep improving the game after release, that’s the name of the game. 

So keep your grand plans in mind but limit your scope for your first release. For a group of hobbyist developers (which is, frankly what almost all MU* development teams are) your motivational time is precious. You are likely not getting paid during development which means that it’s imperative that you set out to create something you are capable of finishing while still having fun. Adjust the scope to fit this time. If you run out of steam before this time you’ll know you went for too big a scope.

How to continue from here?

How to progress is depending on your preference. Some prefer to just jump straight into coding and figure out things as they go. It's not a bad idea to to sit down and plan a little first though - and remember that you want a first version of your game at this point, not the final, ultimate version. 
This is beyond the first question asked in this article (which is long enough as it is) but I have written about this process in Evennia’s game planning documentation. This reiterates some aspects of this article while expanding on others. 

… But in the end, remember that what kills a hobby game project will usually be your own lack of motivation. So do whatever you can to keep that motivation burning strong! Even if it means deviating from what you read in articles like this one. Just get that game out there, whichever way works best for you.

Griatch is the lead developer of Evennia

the MU* creation library.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy new years 2021! Evennia things to come this year

Another year passed with Evennia, the Python MU* creation system. The past year saw a lot of bug fixing and more gradual additions and in September we released version 0.9.5. This was an intermediary version on our way to 1.0. Time to look forward to next year. 

On my development horizon for 2021 are the main new features planned for v1.0. Some of these are rather big things I've wanted to get around to for a while. They are all happening in the develop branch of Evennia, which is currently not recommended for general use.

  • SessionDB: In the current Evennia, Sessions (the representation of a single client connection) is an in-memory entity. This is changing to be a database-backed entity instead. One will be able to typeclass Sessions like other entities for easier overriding. This change also means that there will be one single point of session-id (the django-session), alleviating some reported issues where the Portal- and Server-side sessions have drifted out of sync. It will also make it a lot easier to support auto-logins, also across server reboots. Db-backed Sessions will also simplify the Portal-Session interaction a lot.  
  • Script refactor: The Scripts will see some refactoring, mainly because they are used more as general-storage entities compared to the timers they were originally meant to be. These days Evennia also offers a range of other timer-mechanisms (tickers, delays, Events etc), so it's less important to rely on Scripts for this functionality. The most important change will be that the timer will required to be explicitly started (instead of always starting on script-creation). It will also be possible to stop the timer without the script getting deleted (so separating the timer from the Script's life-cycle). 
  • Channel refactor: The Channels will also see changes; notably to make it considerably easier to override and customize them per-caller. Today the Channel typeclass has a maze of different hooks being called, but it's harder for devs wanting users to customize their channel output. So one of the changes will be new hooks on the account/object level for allowing to format the channel output per-user. There will also be a cleanup of the existing hooks to make things clearer. 
  • New starting tutorial: As part of the new documentation, I'm writing a new starting-tutorial. This will consolidate many of the existing beginner tutorials in a consistent sequence and if following it to the end, the reader will have created a small beginner game with everything in place. I plan to make a few new contribs to support this.
  • Contrib restructure: Our contrib/ folder is getting a little cluttered. I'm investigating organizing things a little differently by at least moving things into categorized folders. This will lead to people having to change their imports, but we'll see just how it goes.
  • Documentation cleanup: There are a lot of small changes, cleanup and restructuring needed in the docs overall - many of the existing pages are auto-translated from the old wiki and need rewriting both in style and content. The whole idea of moving to the new doc-system is to be able to update the docs alongside the code changes. So hopefully the changes to Sessions, Scripts and Channels etc will all be covered properly from the onset rather than after release (as was the case with the wiki). 
  • Unittest coverage: Our current test coverate is 64%, we need to expand this. I hope to get to at least 70% before v1.0 but that is less of a strict goal.
  • Evennia PYPI package: This will be one of the last things before the release of 1.0 - Evennia will be put onto PYPI  so you can install with pip install evennia. Once we do it will simplify the install instructions dramatically for those not interested in contributing to Evennia proper.
We also have some pull-requests in the making that will be interesting to have in the system, such as Volund's plugin system, making it easier to inject custom settings on the fly (good for contribs wanting to add their own database tables, for example). 

A lot of work to do as usual! 

Thanks for the past year, everyone - thanks to all of you that contributed to Evennia with code or by reporting issues or coming with feedback. Thanks particularly to those of you willing (and able) to chip in with some financial support for Evennia development - that's very encouraging! 
And finally, a big thanks to all of you taking part in community discussions, both you asking questions and you helping to answer them tirelessly and with good cheer - you make the Evennia community the friendly, inviting place it is!

May all our game development move forward and our hard drives stay healthy for another year. 

Cheers and a Happy new year,

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Evennia 0.9.5 released!


As of today, Evennia 0.9.5 is out. Evennia is a Python based library and framework for creating text-based multiplayer games (MUD/MU*). 

This is a gradual improvement halfway between 0.9 and the upcoming 1.0. So if you have been keeping up-to-date with the master branch of Evennia over the last year you will not notice much difference from this release (time to upgrade if you haven't been keeping up though!). 

While an interim release, there are still a lot of things that has happened since v0.9: 

Webclient improvements

  • Big web client improvements (courtesy of contributor friarzen) - players can now save and restore pane layouts directly in the client (so you could have a separate pane for channel chatter, another for look-returns, two input panes etc etc). 
  • The layout changes makes it easier for devs to create default layouts to offer to players of their game. People in the Evennia community have already started doing very cool stuff with this, I'll try to gather screenshots for a future blog.
  • Allow to redirect video/music to separate panes.
  • Many other fixes, such as improving the input-history behavior.

EvMenu improvements

EvMenu is a powerful system for creating in-game text menus.

  • The EvMenu class was refactored to be easier to override. For example, all messages now go through EvMenu.msg which allows for easy customization. It also defaults to sending with a type of "menu", making it easier to redirect menus to seprate panes in the webclient.
  • In a node, EvMenu is now accessed via the much more logically named .ndb._evmenu instead of .ndb._menutree (the old name still works for backwards compatibility, but is deprecated).
  • New optional EvMenu template system for quickly building simpler EvMenus without needing so much code. This makes it easy to catch and parse arbitrary input from the user and redirect to the correct node as needed. Creating menu nodes as functions still work (and is a lot more powerful), this can be mixed with templating to create different effects.

New settings

  • INLINEFUNC_STACK_MAXSIZE is an integer that allows to control how big the inlinefunc nesting stacksize is.
  • New DEFAULT_CHANNELS setting to allow customization of which channels should be initialized on startup. This can be modified after initial server start.
  • CHANNEL_HANDLER_CLASS allows for specifying an alternative to the default ChannelHandler if wanting to change how Channels behave. 
  • SERVER_LOG_DAY_ROTATION defines how many days the server log should run before being force-rotated (default is seven days).
  • SERVER_LOG_MAX_SIZE specifies how big the log must be before it auto-rotates (even if SERVER_LOG_DAY_ROTATION days has not passed yet). 
  • PORTAL_LOG_DAY_ROTATION, PORTA_LOG_MAX_SIZE - equivalent for the Portal.

 Other improvements

  • The EvMore pager saw big performance speedups, making the viewing of large numbers of entries much snappier. You can now also paginate EvTables directly and create custom pagers by override the EvMore class (useful if you want to e.g. do a EvTable per-page).   
  • Improvement to the multi-match parser: Trying to get for example 3-box will now fail with a no-found if there are only two boxes in the room (before it would show the multi-match menu).  
  • New inside_rec lockfunc to recursively check if an object is inside another. Putting this on a room will thus also check the contents of any objects in the room, not only the contents themselves. Or if you had something in your wallet (a container).
  • New $random inlinefunc for producing a random number in strings.
  • TickerHandler.add() now returns a store_key to uniquely describe the ticker just added. The TickerHandler.remove() accepts a new kwarg store_key for removing the ticker - this makes it easier to manage tickers instead having to insert the full specifications of the ticker to remove it.
  • Many fixes to the spawn command and prototype functionality. The new spawn/raw flag will now return the prototype-dict so one can manually edit and copy&paste it.
  • The evennia.GLOBAL_SCRIPTS container will now contain all global scripts, not only those explicitly created with the GLOBAL_SCRIPTS setting. 
  • The list_to_string utility converts a list to a nice string-representation, such as ["a", "b", "c", "d"] -> "a, b, c and d". The function is renamed to iter_to_string (but old name still works) and now also works with generators and will not crash even when provided a single value.
  • A lot of bug fixes and stability fixes!

See the changelog here.


New documentation system 

The bigger change with 0.9.5 is that we are moving to a new documentation system. The details of the long road to do this is documented in my prervious post. The point is that we are stopping the use of the Github wiki in favor of statically generated documentation hosted on github pages. At the same time we also move the old website from Google-sites to Github. 

Check it out: 

 As for the docs, they will be maturing for a long time still. The old wiki will not be updated anymore, but it will also not be going anywhere in the short term. Version 0.9.5 of the docs is pretty much a copy of the wiki and I hope to not have to spend too much more work maintaining it since the wiki is still around.
New updates and documentation features will primarily be happening in the 1.0-dev version of the documentation. This will include refactoring all pages as well as a new intro-tutorial and many other things. 
But that's for future blogs ...


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

On using Markdown with Sphinx - onward to Evennia 0.9.5

Last post I wrote about the upcoming v1.0 of Evennia, the Python MU* creation engine. We are not getting to that 1.0 version quite yet though: The next release will be 0.9.5, hopefully out relatively soon (TM).

Evennia 0.9.5 is, as you may guess, an intermediary release. Apart from the 1.0 roadmap just not being done yet, there is one other big reason for this - we are introducing documentation versioning and for that a proper release is needed as a base to start from. Version 0.9.5 contains everything already in master branch, so if you have kept up-to-date you won't notice too much difference. Here are some highlights compared to version 0.9:

  • EvMore will paginate and properly handle both EvTables and database query output. For huge data sets, pagination can give a 100-fold speed-increase. This is noticeable e.g. in the scripts and spawn/list commands, once you have a lot of items.
  • EvMenu templating language, to make it easier to create simpler menus. 
  • Webclient improvements: Cleanup of interface and the ability for players to save/load their pane layouts from the client. The developer can still provide a default for them to start out with.
  • MUD/Evennia Intro wizard to the tutorial world to explain basic game controls in an interactive way. 
  • Default channels can now be defined in settings instead of having to do so from in-game. 
  • New documentation system (see below).
  • Many, many bug fixes and optimizations!

Many contributors helped out along the way. See the changelog where contributors of the bigger new features are listed.

The path to a new documentation

For many years we've used the Github wiki as our documentation hub. It has served us well. But as mentioned in my previous post, it has its drawbacks, in particular when it comes to handling documentation for multiple Evennia versions in parallel.

After considering a bunch of options, I eventually went with sphinx, because it has such a good autodoc functionality (parsing of the source-code docstrings). This is despite our wiki docs are all in markdown and I dislike restructured text quite a bit. Our code also uses friendly and in-code-readable Google-style docstrings instead of Sphinx' hideous and unreadable format. 

Luckily there are extensions for Sphinx to handle this: 

  • Napoleon to convert Google-style docstrings to reST on the fly
  • recommonmark to convert our markdown wiki pages to reST on compile-time
  • sphinx-multiversion to merge docs from one or more GIT branches into a documentation where you can select between the versions.

What could go wrong? Well, it's been quite a ride.

Getting Markdown into reST

Linking to things in recommonmark turned out to be very flaky. I ended up forking and merging a bunch of PRs from the project but that was not enough: Clearly this thing was not built to convert 200 pages of technical markdown from a github wiki.

My custom fork of recommonmark had to be tweaked a bit for my needs, such as not having to specify the .md file ending in every link and make sure the url-resolver worked as I expected. There were a bunch of other things but I will probably not merge this back, the changes are pretty Evennia-specific.

Even so, many of my wiki links just wouldn't work. This is not necessarily recommonmark's fault, but how sphinx works by grouping things into toctrees, something that the Evennia wiki doesn't have. 

Also, the recommonmark way to make a toctree in Markdown is to make a list of links - you can't have any descriptive text, making the listing quite useless (apparently people only want bland lists of link-names?). After trying to figure out a way to make this work I eventually capitulated - I make pretty lists in Markdown while using a "hidden" toctree to inform sphinx how the pages are related.

Getting the wiki into the new doc site

This required more custom code. I wrote a custom importer that reads the wiki and cleans/reformats it in places where recommonmark just dies on them. I also made a preprocessor that not only finds orphan pages but also builds a toctree and remaps all links in all documents to their actual location on compilation. The remapper makes it a lot easier to move things around. The drawback is that every page needs to be uniquely named. Since this was already the case in the wiki, this was a good tradeoff. So with a lot of custom code the wiki eventually could port automatically.   

The thing is, that even with all this processing, recommonmark doesn't support stuff like Markdown tables, so you still have to fall back to reST notation for those. And Napoleon, while doing a good job of parsing google docstrings, do not expect Markdown. So the end result is mostly markdown but we still have to fall back to reST for some things. It's probably as far as we get.

Deploying the docs 

Figuring out how to build and deploy these components together was the next challenge. Sphinx' default Makefile was quite anemic and I also wanted something that regular contributors could use to test their documentation contributions easily. I ended up having to expand the Makefile quite a lot while also adding separate deploy scripts and interfaces to github actions (which we recently started using too).

Finally, the versioning. The sphinx-multiversion plugin works by extracting the branches you choose from git and running the sphinx compiler in each branch.  The plugin initially had a bug with how our docs are located (not at the root of the package) but after I reported it, it was quickly fixed. The result is a static document site where you can select between the available versions in the sidebar.

I've not gotten down to trying to make LaTeX/PDF generation work yet. I'm dreading it quite a bit... 

Where we are

The github wiki is now closed for external contributions. The v0.9.5 of the new documentation will pretty much be an import of the last state of the wiki with some minor cleanup (such as tables). While we'll fix outright errors in it, I don't plan to do many fixes of purely visual glitches from the conversion - the old wiki is still there should that be a problem.

The main refactoring and cleanup of the documentation to fit its new home will instead happen in v1.0. While the rough structure of this is already in place, it's very much a work in progress at this point.


Evennia 0.9.5 has a lot of features, but the biggest things are 'meta' changes in the project itself. After it is out, it's onward towards 1.0 again!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Spring updates while trying to stay healthy

So, spring grows nearer for those of us on the Northern hemisphere. With everyone hopefully hunkered down and safe from the Covid-19 pandemic, I thought it overdue to make another dev blog for the progress of Evennia, the Python MU*-creation system.

The last few months have seen primarily bug fixing on the Evennia front, but it also has seen an uptick of PRs from the community and the re-opening of the develop branch in earnest. There is still quite a lot of work to do before we can add that extra 0.1 and go from version 0.9 to 1.0.

What's in a version?

For me personally, I never put much stock in the notion of versions. Evennia didn't even have versions until a few years back: We used to just have a rolling git release. But eventually it became clear that our user base was big enough that we needed to more clearly separate major (and possibly breaking) updates from what came before. So I started versioning at Evennia 0.5 and have had roughly a new release every year since (not a plan or a promise, it just happened to turn out that way).

Evennia has been useful (and been used) for game development for many years already. But there is no denying that a 1.x label tends to convey more confidence in a system than a 0.x label, that's just the way things are. So while the new version is still quite some way off, there are a bunch of changes and improvements that we want to do in this release to mark the version change in a good way.

Documentation changes

Our documentation will move away from our trusty Github wiki. Instead we will convert the wiki into a static github page built from sources inside evennia/docs/.

The advantage of the wiki is that it is a very low entry for people to contribute and fix things using Github's editing system. We have had a lot of use of this over the years and the wiki has served us well. The drawbacks are starting to get ever more noticeable, however:
  • Whereas the wiki is itself version-controlled, we cannot show multiple versions of the wiki at the same time. This makes it hard to update the documentation at the same time as non-released code is being written. This is probably my main reason for doing the change.
  • The wiki today consists of some 200+ pages. It is hard to get an overview of what is where and what needs to be updated. 
  • The wiki word-search functionality is not really great.
  • It's impossible to review changes before they go live, to check consistency and style. This has led to some documentation pages overlapping.
  • Building the documentation to local HTML or PDF is an archaic process that I doubt anyone but me has done with any regularity. 
The change so far planned is to switch to the Sphinx documentation build-system (same as Python/Django etc is using). We will use it with extensions that allows us to still use Markdown like in the old wiki. This also allows us to build a more comprehensive (and pretty) API documentation of the entire library. We have more options to add comprehensive online search functionality in this solution as well.

Furthermore, will hopefully be able to set it up so that we can maintain and publish separate documentations for each forthcoming release. That is, you should be able to read the docs for 1.0, 1.1 or the latest master development as you like (similarly to how Django does it, although probably not as fancy from the onset). 

This means that contributions to the documentation will be done as PRs through GitHub, just like when contributing any other code. While this does add a little more of a hurdle to contributions, hopefully the benefits will far outweigh those. Building the docs locally will not require a running Evennia server (unless you want the api docs) and we will try to set everything up for to make it easy to contribute.

Many of the details around the docs are still up in the air. This is still very much work-in-progress, like everything else.

Work with this has started in the static-file-docs branch of Evennia. But we have not closed the wiki either - the two will exist in parallel for now.


As mentioned before,  we will finally start to distribute Evennia via PyPi (the Python Package Index) - that is, you will be able to run `pip install evennia`. Using GIT will no longer be a requirement to get started.

Considering how quickly people in open-source throw up their three lines of code on PyPi these days, it may be surprising Evennia is not already on PyPi. I have however felt that reading and referencing the highly-commented code is a big part and requirement for getting the most out of the library.

With the new documentation system, this would improve. And you can of course still use git and follow master branch like the good ol' days if you want!

Web Admin improvements

For the longest time, the Django-admin component has been somewhat on the back-burner. With the help of community contributors, this is improving so you will be able to do more work the Admin GUI related to creating and managing objects, tie puppets to Accounts etc.

API improvements 

Whereas the last few months have been mostly spent fixing lingering bugs, one thing planned for version 1.0 is a general cleanup of legacy strangeness in the API. For example, certain methods can return a list or a single object depending situation, which makes it hard to generalize. There are a lot of small quirks like that which we hope to address and make more consistent.

There has also been a recent flurry of contributor PRs intended to help decouple Evennia's systems and make them easier to replace for those inclined to do so. Many of this is still being worked on, but it's likely you'll be able to replace many more "core" components for 1.0 with your own variations without doing any hacking in upstream code at all.
 ... Needless to say, this is an advanced feature that most developers will never need. But Evennia was always intended to be heavily customizable and having the option is a good thing!

Another feature that will come for 1.0 is a REST-API, added by one of our contributors. This uses Django-REST-Framework and makes it easier for external programs to authenticate and fetch data out of the Evennia database (great both for external apps, websites or custom what-have-you).
At this time you can only fetch database objects via this interface, you cannot perform Command-calls or "play the game" this way (REST is a stateless concept and Evennia Commands tend to retain state).

Many other fixes and contributions

There's a truckload of stuff already available in master branch, but with the latest contributions of bigger code changes, we have started to use the Evennia develop branch again in earnest again. For a summary of the changes so far, check out the Changelog

However, unless you want to contribute to Evennia itself (or really, really want to be on the bleeding edge), you are still recommended to use the master branch for now. A lot of work still to do, as said.

Image ©George Hodan, released under CC0 Public Domain

Monday, September 30, 2019

Blackifying and fixing bugs

Since version 0.9 of Evennia, the MU*-creation framework, was released, work has mainly been focused on bug fixing. But there few new features also already sneaked into master branch, despite technically being changes slated for Evennia 1.0.

On Frontends

Contributor friarzen has chipped away at improving Evennia's HTML5 web client. It already had the ability to structure and spawn any number of nested text panes. In the future we want to extend the user's ability to save an restore its layouts and allow developers to offer pre-prepared layouts for their games. Already now though, it has gotten plugins for handling both graphics, sounds and video:

Inline image by me (

A related fun development is Castlelore Studios' development of an Unreal Engine Evennia plugin (this is unaffiliated with core Evennia development and I've not tried it, but it looks pretty nifty!): 

Image ©Castlelore Studios
On Black

Evennia's source code is extensively documented and was sort of adhering to the Python formatting standard PEP8. But many places were sort of hit-and-miss and others were formatted with slight variations due to who wrote the code.
After pre-work and recommendation by Greg Taylor, Evennia has adopted the black autoformatter for its source code. I'm not really convinced that black produces the best output of all possible outputs every time, but as Greg puts it, it's at least consistent in style. We use a line width of 100.

I have set it up so that whenever a new commit is added to the repo, the black formatter will run on it. It may still produce line widths >100 at times (especially for long strings), but otherwise this reduces the number of different PEP8 infractions in the code a lot.

On Python3

Overall the move to Python3 appears to have been pretty uneventful for most users. I've not heard almost any complaints or requests for help with converting an existing game.
The purely Python2-to-Python3 related bugs have been very limited after launch; almost all have been with unicode/bytes when sending data over the wire.

People have wholeheartedly adopted the new f-strings though, and some spontaneous PRs have already been made towards converting some of Evennia existing code into using them.

Post-launch we moved to Django 2.2.2, but the Django 2+ upgrades have been pretty uneventful so far.Some people had issues installing Twisted on Windows since there was no py3.7 binary wheel (causing them to have to compile it from scratch). The rise of the Linux Subsystem on Windows have alleviated most of this though and I've not seen any Windows install issues in a while.

On Future

For now we'll stay in bug-fixing mode, with the ocational new feature popping up here and there. In the future we'll move to the develop branch again. I have a slew of things in mind for 1.0. 

Apart from bug fixing and cleaning up the API in several places, I plan to make use of the feedback received over the years to make Evennia a little more accessible for a new user. This means I'll also try reworking and consolidating the tutorials so one can follow them with a more coherent "red thread", as well as improving the documentation in various other ways to help newcomers with the common questions we hear a lot. 

The current project plan (subject to change) is found here. Lots of things to do!

Top image credit: (public domain)